Show Notification Policy in Control Center Timeline
The Timeline in Win-911 Control Center shows Notification Policy Instance Id but this is not easily linked back to the Notification Policy, which would be really useful when troubleshooting the system.
Control Center Should Reconnect Automatically When Win911 System Available
Control Center installed on a remote system (for the purposes of the Announcer function) should reconnect automatically if it's connection to the Win911 system(s) is lost. For example, if the system hosting the Win911 system is rebooted or service...
Rules/requirements for user passwords to comply with 21 CFR Part 11. For example, rules such as minimum of 6 characters, at least 1 uppercase, at least 1 lowercase, at least 1 numerical, at least 1 special character.
See support case #00077325. It would be beneficial if the installation unzips those files, rather than needing one-time file access post-installation in order for the software to work correctly. As soon as I gave myself Full Control of those files...
Allow Advanced policy loops function blocks to go flat 60 minutes and 1000 loop max
The addition of function blocks and loops would make our outdialer system much more robust, however the 59m, 55s timer max and 99 loop max are insufficient for large systems where there could be 200+ loops before an alarm is cleared (100 loops at ...
With a redundant OPC-DA node licence, following an OPC server switchover, all the active alarms are being resent by Win911. This should not occur, the standy OPC node should be synched with the active Node licence and should be able to see that th...
Ability to pass WIN911 Acknowledgment Actor Name to AVEVA System Platform
Currently when an alarm is acknowledged via WIN911 only the string "WIN911" is passed back into AVEVA System Platform. The ability to see who in WIN911 acknowledged the alarm from the AVEVA SCADA System would be incredibly helpful so users don't h...