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SmartSights Feature Requests
Categories WIN-911
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 11, 2019

Add printing of each alarm & event state change to serial, parallel and Ethernet connected printers

Marine and Oil and Gas customers.

I have come across the requirement multiple times for Oil & Gas platforms and Marine projects where they require alarms to be printed as each change of state occurs, still to dot matrix printers or sometimes laser, as they need to be able to grab the print out during evacuation emergencies for post analysis of what the last alarms were before having to evacuate, etc.

WIN911 V7 does this but it is not in the newer WIN911 Standard / Interactive / Advanced

For All Marine projects – Drillships, FPSOs (Floating Production, Storage and Offloading Vessel).  A Vessel Data Recorder (VDR) is mandatory this records typically the printer output.

An IMO (International Maritime Organisation) requirement is to capture alarms and print them to the VDR.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Apr 29, 2021

    I also need this functionality for government customers. Win911 v7 would work but seems to have issues printing to virtual LPT ports...

  • Admin
    Steven Rivas
    Jan 9, 2020


    Thanks for the input.

    I'll discuss this with the team. Since we use SQL Server for our alarm log, there may be solution already available.
