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SmartSights Feature Requests
Categories WIN-911
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 24, 2019

Add priority filtering in iFix

I would like the option to be able to filter alarms by priority in iFix similar to the way you do with subscriptions in InTouch. 

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    Steven Rivas
    Oct 24, 2019


    Thank you for submitting your feedback.

    We considered this previously but ran into a problem. Only a single alarm can be active on a block at a time and its alarm states can have different priorities. For example, on an AA block, your level alarms can all have a different priority so if you receive a HiHi alarm with a CRITICAL priority and it then returns to normal, the RTN update could have a priority of Low resulting in the subscription not detecting the state change. This would "orphan" the alarm in WIN-911 because the the RTN update would never be processed.

    I'll look into this again to see if there is a workaround.

    -Steven Rivas