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SmartSights Feature Requests
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Categories WIN-911
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 1, 2022

Monitor server communications to remote modules for distributed installations

In a distributed installation, where WIN911 resides on a server but the SCADA is on a remote server, there is not a feature in the software that will monitor communication between the WIN911 server and the remote WIN911-SCADA module. If communications are lost no notifications go out, the only way this is detected is if someone realizes that SCADA alarms are active that should have sent notifications. This has happened with the most recent installation of WIN911 I have done using the iFix SCADA software.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Feb 28, 2023

    Wondering if the capability to send an alarm notification/datasource heartbeat for external alarm notification if status module detects communication loss to any of the distributed components.

  • Admin
    Steven Rivas
    Jul 6, 2022

    We haven't worked notifications into our design yet. The problem with using existing notification policies is that if the system is experiencing failures, not only with the data source modules, is that you wouldn't receive a notification. When we get to notifications, it may be best to use an independent notification method. When we get further along down the road, I'll share more details.

  • Guest
    Jul 6, 2022

    Steven would it also generate a notification that would go out per a configured notification policy?

  • Admin
    Steven Rivas
    Jul 6, 2022

    Hello Aaron,

    We're currently working on this feature and calling it the Status module. This module will allow you to view the status of each WIN-911 module from a new workspace in WIN-911 Workspace.

    We plan to use the Status module with an automatic failover module to automate failover to a secondary WIN-911 system.

    I don't have a release date, but it should be available by the end of the year.


    Steven Rivas