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SmartSights Feature Requests
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Categories WIN-911
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 5, 2022

create win-911 tags from excel spreadsheet/ mass creation of win-911 tags

I need to be able to add 800+ tags without have to enter them one by one. If I have all the information that I need on a spreadsheet I should be able to run an export and create all win-911 alarms.

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    Steven Rivas
    Jul 6, 2022

    Hello Marcos,

    Thank you for taking the time to submit your feedback.

    We're currently working on this feature for our OPC DA module which is scheduled for release on August 1st. We'll also be adding support for OPC UA DA to the module.

    A few other features worth mentioning...

    Acknowledgment Sync: This allows you to sync the ack state with a SCADA system by writing to and monitoring ack tags. (Boolean alarms only)

    Value Substitution for Boolean alarms: If you are using boolean items to represent level alarms, you'll be able to substitute the value present in the alarm details with another tag. For example, you're monitoring a boolean for tanklevel.hi.alarm, when the alarm is triggered, you'll be able to sub in a tag with the value of the tank level.

    Active/Inactive Descriptions: V7 allows for two different alarm labels, so we're bringing it back as Active/Inactive Descriptions. You'll still have a separate description just for the tag/item.

    Alarm Delay: An alarm condition must persist longer than the configured delay before an alarm is generated.

    Deadband: Calculated by percentage or value. PV must exceed Deadband before an alarm is cleared.


    Steven Rivas