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SmartSights Feature Requests
Categories WIN-911
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 30, 2023

Provide alternative access to alarm events and notifications

We use FactoryTalk with Thin Clients, so they don't have a DOS or Widows OS . FactoryTalk only provides a simple Web Client and limited access to the Terminal Server file system. It would be very benificial if you would provide a web interface to duplicate the functionality of the Log Viewer. Something I could send a request to and retrieve the last X events or all activity for the last X hours or all alarms and their notifications for an alarm of X severity. Another alternative would be the ability to write all events to a file. You could rotate the file every hour and delete those older than X days. I could retrieve the last file or two and display the contents to the user from within the SCADA application. The primary benefit would be to easily show the users and management that the WIN-911 system is working properly; an alarm event occured at this time and the system notified this list of people. Perhaps you could have two formats for these files, one for human consumption and another in JSON.

  • Attach files