Interesting issue occurs when both primary and backup WIN-911 servers are configured in the Control Center with History/Time both enabled. Tried going over this issue with support, but there was nothing they could do.
The Timeline (when Auto Update is enabled) will only show the events from one of the servers depending on which server database was polled last (see video for example). The primary issue is that the active's events essentially get their display overwritten, which means it basically becomes useless as a tool for tracking recent notifications. With the Auto Update disabled, every manual refresh could display either the active's or the backup's events, but never both, making it impossible to even set a filter on System (which I don't really want to do either because then I need to manually change it if the standby becomes active...).
The easiest way to get around this is to disable the History/Time for the standby server, but the problem with that is, if it does failover, then there is no automated way of enabling the new active's History/Time. It's an annoying manual process of making sure Control Center is displaying what it should be.
The idea is simply, if the Dispatcher mode is Standby, don't poll or display for the History and Timeline views.
Hello Patrick,
Thank you for your feedback. We're looking into this issue. We'll provide updates when available.
Steven Rivas
Product Manager