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SmartSights Feature Requests
Categories WIN-911
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 12, 2020

WIN-911 Mobile app - add ACK ALL feature

There are times when alarms flood into WIN-911 - operations staff would love to be able to acknowledge ALL alarms with one button (Ack ALL), rather than selecting each alarm condition and hitting ACK.  Even if it were page by page - anything that will group the alarms for easy acknowledge (especially when you get a ton of nuisance alarms that are inevitable at times).

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  • Guest
    Nov 18, 2020

    Will we have a Ack All feature soon. On Win911 services restart all the old active alarms start calling out - would be really good to have this feature.

    Dewalt Oosthuizen - Automation Electric LLC

  • Admin
    Steven Rivas
    Feb 19, 2020

    Thanks for the reply Carolyn. If this feature becomes available, we'll update here and you'll be notified automatically. Thanks again for taking the time to submit feedback, we appreciate it.

  • Guest
    Feb 19, 2020

    Steven, thanks for getting back to me. We are working on the alarm flood issues (they used DI blocks with alarm enabled in lieu of DA blocks where you can suppress comm alarms).

    Regardless, the Ack All feature is still very desirable from an operations point of view ��� and I do like that you can enable/disable the feature based on staff ��� so maybe only the supervisor team gets to Ack All���but I have sneaking suspicion that everyone will get the ability to Ack All ��� then it is up to supervisor to track it down and clarify what was/was not done to fix the alarm!

    Let me know if this becomes available ��� I know Glenwood Springs would be interested in that feature.


  • Admin
    Steven Rivas
    Feb 18, 2020


    Thank you for taking the time to send us feedback.

    We've discussed this previously and had determined it would be best to not allow users to ack alarms they hadn't reviewed. However, this is such a popular request that we should revisit that decision. I'm thinking we could turn on Ack All functionality on a per user basis so that if you didn't want the operators to have the ability to Ack All, you could leave it disabled.

    What typically causes alarm floods? Are they preventable? Perhaps there is something we could do to curtail the flood of alarm events.

    -Steven Rivas