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SmartSights Feature Requests
Categories WIN-911
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 5, 2025

Allow multiple notification polices for "Individual Alarms"

Alarm Source section and iFIX is added as the source:

In the "Blocks" area individual alarm tagnames can be added, but only one Notification Policy can be selected.

It would be great if we could select multiple notification groups. For example if a PLC fail alarm tagname is added, I want to send the alarm to the Operator group, SCADA IT group and the Supervisor group just for this one tag.

The only way I can do it right now, is to create a new Policy that includes, Operations, SCADA, and Supervisors. It would be easier to create just three groups and then have the ability to arraign them around based on the alarm type and who needs to be notified.

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