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SmartSights Feature Requests
Categories WIN-911
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 2, 2020

Subscriptions on System Platform should see Descendant Area Alarms

System Platform has an ability to group alarms in Areas. There can be a top Area with descendant areas being embedded in this area. Descendant areas in turn can have descendant areas in them. Imagine the following:


Each of these areas can have their own objects with alarms. It is possible to reference the top area, "Area1" in this hierarchy, and see alarms from lower descendants, such as "DescendantArea3" as alarms in System Platform flow up from the bottom. Luckily when you create a connection in Win911 and reference an area, it does appear you get all alarms even from Descendant Areas.

Subscriptions appear to have a limitation where, upon creating a subscription and filtering based off a specific area, only retrieves alarms from the area being referenced in the subscription. If any descendants exist in this area and alarms come from them, they will not be picked up by this subscription.

This needs to be resolved. It is possible to have SEVERAL descendant areas within a given area. If we want to reference a given area to get all alarms that can possible come from it including the descendant areas, we may have to create a bunch of subscriptions to cover each area, one per area. I have seen Galaxy's with thousands of areas with each area having a LOT of descendants. Creating subscriptions for each descendant area could get messy real fast.

We are currently users of Win911 and have comp support. Call me up sometime to discuss this or shoot me an email.


Chris Smith

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Dec 3, 2020

    This is beyond frustrating, especially since you cannot import this stuff

  • Admin
    Steven Rivas
    Mar 5, 2020

    Hello Chris,

    I appreciate you taking the time to submit feedback. I believe this is a limitation of the toolkit we're using to interface with System Platform. I'll do some research and get back to you on this.

    -Steven Rivas