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SmartSights Feature Requests
Status Shipped
Categories WIN-911
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 16, 2020

Saved Views for WIN-911 Log Viewer

Allow me to filter and sort my Log Viewer and save that view (column options, sort, filters) into a small set of views that I can then select from to switch between them. For example, switch between a view of all alarms and a view of high severity alarms which are not suppressed.

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  • Admin
    Steven Rivas
    Aug 23, 2023

    Great news! We have released this feature today with WIN-911 2023. If you're on a valid support agreement, you can upgrade. If you're not on support, please get in touch with our Sales team. Ph. 800.331.8740 Email.

    You can request a download of WIN-911 2023 here:


    WIN-911 Team