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SmartSights Feature Requests
Categories WIN-911
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 7, 2020

Improve error recovery of OPC DA module

In recent Win911 versions, there has been improvements in how the OPC DA handles OPC Server faults. Several are now treated as recoverable, which is a much welcomed improvement.

Within some OPC Server implementation, we sometime get RPC Service timeouts which generates the RPC_E_DISCONNECTED faults (0x80010108). This is currently non recoverable without some custom scripting.

Adding an error recovery section to the Win911 OPC DA Module or config file, granting us a better control over how to handle such faults or others if they occur on a OPC DA node by node basis, would make our Win911 install base more resilient when OPC Server vendors are not keen to fix the problem on the server side!

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    Steven Rivas
    Aug 11, 2020

    Hello Michel,

    We recently released a new custom build of the OPC module to the support team that should recover from most server faults. If you create a ticket with them, they'll be able to get it over to you and hopefully put these errors behind you.


    Steven Rivas