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SmartSights Feature Requests
Categories WIN-911
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 7, 2020

Add Font Size Settings to WIN-911 Mobile App, or Fix Multi-Line Text Display

It looks like the WIN-911 Mobile app uses the font size settings from the phone's operating system. We have some users who are older and use larger font sizes on their phone's operating system, but this really messes with the reports listing in the WIN-911 Mobile app. When the text is so large that the report title extends wider than the screen, the title gets wrapped to a second line. Using two lines would be fine, but the height of the row containing the text doesn't dynamically adjust for two lines of text. Both lines of text get smashed on top of each other and the report titles are very hard to read. A screenshot showing the issue is attached.

Lowering the font size setting in the operating system fixed the issue, but that's not an acceptable workaround.

I have two suggestions.

  1. At a minimum, the report-title text, if too long, should either remain on one line and the text should scroll, or, if bumping down to a second line, the row height should dynamically increase to accommodate the extra line(s) of text.

  2. Letting users set a font size inside the app settings would be nice so users can keep larger font settings for their operating systems, but use a smaller font size within the WIN-911 Mobile app that displays text more clearly.

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