Currently have to set up a separate subscription in order to have a different contact list for a different area and another subscription for the area with different prioritiy
So we have hundreds of subscriptions to maintain instead of just saying packaging alarms 0-250 go to joe and brewing 251-750 go to sally.
Currently 8 for a pilot, could be thousands by the end
How many different areas do you have? If you created a subscription for each area and then assigned an alarm label to it, with the same name, you could then create an Advanced Tactic to do what you're asking. You could then do something similar to the screenshot I have attached.
System platform.
We are using basic, I inquired that if we ought the advanced package would we have alert capability on alarms and was told no.
Support respone:
The advanced tactic would only be able to separate by priority, it cannot check the area. Only the subscription can do that. This link will take you to all the advanced tactic options.,92,117
If you plan to stick with basic, then yes, you will have to create subscriptions to bring in alarms based on area & priority. The subscriptions then points to a strategy, and each strategy points to a tactic.
Depending on the data source you're using, you should be able to do this today. Can you let me know which SCADA/HMI you are using?