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SmartSights Feature Requests
Categories WIN-911
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 20, 2021

List of All Alarms under a specific LABEL?

Seems no easy way to see all alarms/blocks under a specific Lable. We are using Label as replacement of Groups (old version). Groups were used as process areas to group relaetd area alarms. In new version we are using Lables as workaround of Groups but no way we can see all alarms configured in each Label (similar to old version).

Seems only clicking on tag name will show configured group but we have around 500 alarms/tags and around 14 Labels (old groups) so not very helpful.

Under Alarming > Labels , on clciking label, on right side it should show all blocks/alarms related to that lable.

Seems old 7.x version was more friendly for larger systems than the new ver, management point of view, so user internface of new version needs to improve.

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