Mobile App Falsely Times Out When Acknowledging an alarm
With WIN-911 connected to System Platform, when the Acknowledge Button is pressed to an alarm notification detail in the WIN-911 App, a popup saying "acknowledging" appears for about 15 minutes, followed by a timeout error. This is despite the fac...
If alarm is acknowledged (from different source) after voice notification starts operators get "Alarm cannot be acknowledged at this time" error message, voice notification fails, and retries start and operators continue to get the same voice mess...
Rules/requirements for user passwords to comply with 21 CFR Part 11. For example, rules such as minimum of 6 characters, at least 1 uppercase, at least 1 lowercase, at least 1 numerical, at least 1 special character.
There should be a way to reset Failures in the Status Module WITHOUT restarting the service(s). Often these failures are triggered by outside issues (i.e. power, phone, network, and/or modem issues) are sometimes temporary and/or easily resolved.
See support case #00077325. It would be beneficial if the installation unzips those files, rather than needing one-time file access post-installation in order for the software to work correctly. As soon as I gave myself Full Control of those files...