Allows management to confirm operators are responding to call outs. Text files that are created daily much easier to deal with then using the log viewer. Log file folder can be shared and viewed across network. If possible add ability to email log...
Support for Shelving and Suppression from FactoryTalk Alarm & Events
I have had issues with Win911 getting stuck because an alarm was active when an operator used the "suppress" feature in FactoryTalk Alarm & Events. The alarm strategy didn't recognize that the alarm was no longer active and wouldn't stop notif...
There are times when alarms flood into WIN-911 - operations staff would love to be able to acknowledge ALL alarms with one button (Ack ALL), rather than selecting each alarm condition and hitting ACK. Even if it were page by page - anything that w...
It would be handy if there was a way to filter reports on the Win-911 app, much like the old app. That way if one Win-911 system was monitoring multiple SCADA systems certain reports are seen by appropriate people; i.e. water reports are seen by w...
Be able to remotely activate or deactivate win911 alarm notifications. If someone forgets to switch win911 to active at the end of the night maybe they can text or call to activate it without being at the machine.
Add printing of each alarm & event state change to serial, parallel and Ethernet connected printers
Marine and Oil and Gas customers.
I have come across the requirement multiple times for Oil & Gas platforms and Marine projects where they require alarms to be printed as each change of state occurs, still to dot matrix printers or sometimes l...