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SmartSights Feature Requests

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Showing 193 of 193

Alarm Description field to Historical logs

Please add Alarm Description field to Historical logs. It's great that you added this function to the Monitor, but to make the alarms more transparent, please add this function to the Historian Logs as well.
about 1 year ago in WIN-911 0

Add search ability in directory

add a search function on directory so a name can be searched for instead of scrolling down a long list of names, such as in the OPC Data Access items and alarms tab
about 1 year ago in WIN-911 1

OPC Data Access - Export Selected/Filtered Alarms

On a large system like the one we have, it lakes an hour to export OPC DA alarms. It would be much faster if you could export alarms that you select or filter.
about 1 year ago in WIN-911 2

Enable the ability to change the threshold used by WIN-911 Mobile to post connectivity issue banners on mobile devices

WIN-911 Mobile currently flashes lack of connectivity banner alerts when the Runtimes cannot connect with the Mobile Hub. The timing threshold used to control this does not appear to be configurable. This feature is being requested because users s...
about 1 year ago in WIN-911 2

Change Watchdog to Accept an iFix Tag that Constantly Changes Value

Not sure if this applies to other HMIs, but for iFix specifically I would like to be able to enter a tag into the watchdog that is constantly changing (AI, for example) rather than being forced to use an alarm tag (DA) that needs to be triggered o...
over 1 year ago in WIN-911 1

Add WIN-911 Gateway Name or Defined Site Name in WIN-911 Mobile expiration Push

As an integrator supporting more than 12 clients using Mobile, I am not able to easily determine which WIN-911 customer is going to expire in support. If you could expose the gateway user name or defined site name in expiration message that would ...
over 1 year ago in WIN-911 0

SQL Relationship Information

We are looking to create our own reports outside of Win-911. We would like to have documentation on all MS SQL table relationships as well as a data dictionary if possible. Any information would help. In addition, since there is currently no metho...
over 1 year ago in WIN-911 0

add ability to remove the requested alarms list

No description provided
over 1 year ago in WIN-911 0

Value in alarm needs to display Decimal values and not just Whole numbers

The Value Field in an alarm on an iFix system only displays the whole number and not the decimals. Thats just silly.
over 1 year ago in WIN-911 0

On Call Scheduling

Allow assigning people to shifts in one schedule instead of having multiple schedules.
over 1 year ago in WIN-911 0