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SmartSights Feature Requests

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Showing 201 of 201

Voice Contact Authorization Code "we ne the ability to use the same code with multiple contacts"

It is really important to our Organization to be able to use the same Authorization Code when we are answering Win-911 alarm calls. Multiple people answer the same phone lines and it will create a lot of confusion if they need to remember what cod...
over 3 years ago in WIN-911 1

Change Watchdog to Accept an iFix Tag that Constantly Changes Value

Not sure if this applies to other HMIs, but for iFix specifically I would like to be able to enter a tag into the watchdog that is constantly changing (AI, for example) rather than being forced to use an alarm tag (DA) that needs to be triggered o...
over 1 year ago in WIN-911 1

Unzip ProgramData files as part of installation.

See support case #00077325. It would be beneficial if the installation unzips those files, rather than needing one-time file access post-installation in order for the software to work correctly. As soon as I gave myself Full Control of those files...
8 months ago in WIN-911 0

Add Ability to Select Which Other Modules are Considered by Status Module

Add the ability in the configuration of the status module to select which modules should be included when evaluating failure status. Much like how you can currently select to include Reporting Module or not, have a similar selection for every inst...
4 months ago in WIN-911 0

Add option to only have Active and Acknowledged to mitigate subsequent renotifications alarms distracting while driving

Add option to only have Active and Acknowledged checked to mitigate subsequent renotification alarms distracting people while driving. We have had a situation where one of our operators was pulled over by police because of renotifications coming t...
5 months ago in WIN-911 0

Ability for Win911 to switch modems in case of failure

It would be nice if Win911 was able to failover to a redundant modem in case of failure for a Win911 system without a redundant system.
about 1 year ago in WIN-911 0

MS Teams Integration

I would like to send alarm notifications to myself in Teams and acknowledge them back to my SCADA system.
almost 2 years ago in WIN-911 0

Allow Advanced policy loops function blocks to go flat 60 minutes and 1000 loop max

The addition of function blocks and loops would make our outdialer system much more robust, however the 59m, 55s timer max and 99 loop max are insufficient for large systems where there could be 200+ loops before an alarm is cleared (100 loops at ...
9 months ago in WIN-911 0

Mobile app - Light/Dark mode setting

I don’t see anywhere within the mobile app to toggle light/dark mode. Instead I have to change it at the OS level within my phone.
5 months ago in WIN-911 0

Allow Bulk Edit of InTouch Tags for Notification Policies

Allow bulk edit of InTouch tags to change notification policies.
10 months ago in WIN-911 0