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SmartSights Feature Requests
Categories WIN-911
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 26, 2021

WIN-911 Mobile to reflect alarms based on active alarming systems at all times (to mirror SCADA behavior)

We have duplicate WIN-911 Alarms showing in the Mobile App summary due to have redundant WIN-911 App Servers (see screenshot).

This is a significant user adoption issue because it causes confusion by having duplicate alarms.

This specific example is @ Lower Reedy. 30 alarms show but there are only 15.

From a user training perspective we plan to train the users to keep both the Primary and Hot Backup enabled in Mobile and only pay attention to the Primary alarms.

Also, the Hot Backup alarms show first so that creates additional confusion by having to scroll down to the primaries.

Would greatly appreciate if this can be addressed asap as ReWa is in the middle of deploying WIN-911 Mobile and would hate this to impact user adoption.

It’s not very intuitive.

Agree there’s two workarounds (confirmed by Daniel in support):

  • Only toggle the Primary on in the Mobile Settings (Hot Backup off)

  • Only query the Primary in Mobile Settings (when explicitly querying for new alarms)

I think both of these work-arounds have deficiencies noted below:

  • Only toggle the Primary in the Mobile Settings

    • Deficiency: How do Operators know when to toggle the Hot Backup on and toggle the Primary off?

  • Only query the Primary in Mobile Settings

    • Deficiency: Not as Deficient as the first deficiency noted however not the most seamless process

    • Thinking about the “Personas” involved the most seamless process possible would be highly desirable from the user adoption perspective

    • Asking Operators to remember these work-arounds is not optimal given that technology is not typically their primary focus

    • Thinking about the process: It’s a lot easier for an Operator to go to the Query section and click the Request button,

    • Versus going to the Query section, then having to remember to select the Primary Gateway, then click the Request button

    • Also, if they forget even once and they pull all the Primary and Hot Backup Alarms into the Summary Screen how do they ever get rid of the Hot Backup Alarms from the Summary Screen?

Trying to make it as seamless as possible for the Ops team to manage alarms and adopt this new tool.

Mobile is a great app and well received so far.

Only sending this feedback as an opportunity to improve.

Other feature requests will be coming.

My hope is that we can start seeing some of this higher priority feature requests slotted into the WIN-911 Roadmap.

This mobile piece is a key step in moving ReWa more actively toward a technology-driven company.

I’m more than happy to log a feature request related to the following behavior.

Also available to join a call to talk through this.

8/26/21 Confirmed the following issue:

Unable to acknowledge alarms against the Standby (see screenshot)

One additional piece of feedback we found after deploying to Lower Reedy.

The system does not allow alarm acknowledgement against the Standby (screenshot below).

While this makes sense from a systems perspective it does force us into an approach of having the Hot Backup deactivated on the phones.

Which means that if WIN-911 fails over to the Hot Backup the Operators wouldn’t know until they stopped receiving Mobile alarms.

At which point they would need to remember to toggle off the Primary and toggle on the Hot Backup.

Which would be further confusing because the Hot Backup would then actually be considered the Primary.

Which reinforces the importance of the feature request, i.e. having the WIN-911 Mobile functionality mirror that of SCADA.

This is causing quite a bit of confusion in training.

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  • Guest
    Oct 4, 2021

    Has this been slotted into the roadmap?