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SmartSights Feature Requests

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Win911 - please support iFIX ReAlarm feature

ReAlarm definition: The ReAlarm Time will reissue the alarm if the tag is still in an alarm state after the amount of time specified. Or in other words it is the length of time to wait before re-issuing an alarm. Can be configured as any time from...
2 months ago in WIN-911 0

Analytic Designer - Import & Export TagList

In analytic Designer , Need to provide the facility of Import and Export TagList.
5 months ago in XLReporter 0

Password rules/requirements

Rules/requirements for user passwords to comply with 21 CFR Part 11. For example, rules such as minimum of 6 characters, at least 1 uppercase, at least 1 lowercase, at least 1 numerical, at least 1 special character.
5 months ago in XLReporter 0

It would be nice to have some type of Log file why WIN911 cannot connect

this would help in trobleshooting to isolate where the issue lies , be it the client or the server or DCOM etc
3 months ago in WIN-911 0

dedicated lock for Ultimate License when screen is closed

It would be nice to have the License Lock based on the License Type and stay until it has been changed. i.e. if Basic "Pro" Perpetual lock on Basic, If Perpetual "Ultimate" Lock it on "Ultimate " until changed.
3 months ago in WIN-911 0

Allow Voice to Acknowledge Multiple Alarms

In some systems an event can generate multiple alarms which can take a long time to listen and acknowledge individually. It would be helpful if there was an option to send "acknowledge all" from phone interface.
about 3 years ago in WIN-911 3 Planned

Send SMS messages via Internet without SMS modem

We would like for WIN-911 to have the ability to send SMS notifications via the Internet without purchasing an SMS modem.
over 5 years ago in WIN-911 3

Addition to filter out A&E message strings

FTV A&E has some features like "Alarm Enabled" tag masks that will cause outdials when modifying tags with alarm classes that outdial configured. The ability to set strings to ignore/not outdial from A&E would reduce end user confusion.
9 months ago in WIN-911 0

Add the cell note when a connector is assigned to it.

This was once a feature when building reports in excel. It was a useful feature.
3 months ago in XLReporter 0

Apply formats by notification policy

It would be helpful to be able to create an apply formats per notification policy or even by alert type. We want to make the alert formats very descriptive, but it is difficult to find a one size fits all approach when we have varied alert types. ...
about 2 years ago in WIN-911 1