Integrate with enterprise chat applications like Slack and Google Chat
Please consider adding support for sending alert messages directly to popular enterprise chat applications such as Slack and Google Chat. This could be as simple as one-way notification style messages that typically target a webhook url and pass a...
I setup all my connections and then discovered that the data from my Historian was being reported incorrectly. So i ceated a new Group with an Server connecrion and it worked great. However now i need to re create all my Groups.
The issue is that my operators cannot understand what is being said. The word and letters are not enunciated properly. There is not enough of a break between words and acronyms are enunciated as words, such as 10 A.M. is pronounced as 10am, like I...
Allow Multiple Mobile Connections with the Same Email Address
The latest version of the software is limited to one user or connection per email address for the Mobile connection type. In previous versions of the software it was possible to create more than one contact for the same user. Is there a functional...
Allow multiple numbers assigned to one contact/authorization code
Currently in the 2021 software, we need to create multiple entries in the contacts list for the same user. Since Win911 requires a new authorization code, the same user needs to remember a different code for each phone number. The legacy Win911 al...
Ability To Feedback To A SCADA System From WIN911 Software When The GrandStream Is Unavailable
I would like to have the ability to notify a SCADA system , through the WIN911 software when the GRANDSTREAM modem is unavailable on the network, or a call attempt through the GRANDSTREAM failed.
Create categories to organize forms in, similar to the categories used to organize report templates
Currently I have 31 data entry forms used by various users, which is getting to be a long list to scroll through to find the right form to do your operator rounds. Being able to organize them into categories, such as is down with the reports, woul...
The OPC DA implementation used by Win911 attempts to pull in every single record field on a particular DA Server as opposed to going branch by branch. On large systems, it is unusable as it is trying to collects millions of record fields.